Coffee Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

It turns out that by drinking coffee can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, according to a recent study conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health.

It is said that men who drank six or more cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of the development of roughly 60 percent of prostate cancer disease. Then with drinking coffee can also lose approximately 20 per cent risk of formation of any type of prostate cancer in the body, compared with people who didn't drink coffee at all.

As quoted from The Straits Times, Thursday (7/5/2011), the study also said that just by drinking three cups of coffee per day can reduce risk of disease of prostate cancer by 30 percent.

"Some of the previous peneltian has studied the relationship between coffee consumption and risk of developing prostate cancer," said Professor Lorelei Mucci of Hardvard, associated with the study.

"Our research is the latest, to learn whether the relationship can lower the risk of the disease's coffee of prostate cancer," he added.

The effect of coffee on prostate cancer, whether it's coffee with or without caffeine. It is believed by researchers to have antioxidant substances entanglement contained in coffee.