10 fact about coffee

A cup of coffee for the fans is a beginning of everything. Not excessive or far-fetched, but are in fact the case. In a day may be a fan of coffee could spend bergelas-gelas coffee, morning, noon, afternoon, and night.

For fans of coffee less favour it if not sipped coffee to initiate activities. The caffeine contained in it does give the benefits to the body if taken within a reasonable amount, but rather if consumed in excess coffee can surely detrimental side effect conferring body.

Consume 4-5 cups or the equivalent of 600 mg of caffeine a day still reasonable if drunk in a healthy body. But keep in mind not only the caffeine contained in coffee, but also found in tea, energy drinks and even on headache medication.

Here are some side effects if the coffee is too many:


One of the side effects of caffeine for health is able to trigger anxiety. Not all people experience these side effects, but a study at the University of Michigan proved the effect it may cause a person easily offended could even make his hands shaking.

Cardiovascular disorders

The heart will be pounding when too much to drink coffee, because in certain levels of caffeine can affect the central nervous dispositions in the brain. Caffeine can also increase blood pressure so that it is not recommended for people with hypertension and heart disease.

Some types of headache medications using a mixture of caffeine because it's in the least amount of this compound does have benefits anti pain. However, the opposite effect could appear if consumed too much, for example drink more than 2-3 cups espresso coffee or 5-6 cups of regular coffee every day.

Digestive disorders

Stomach heartburn and nausea are often complain about the taste of coffee drink too much. Not because the coffee is stale, but caffeine itself does indeed increase production of acid in the stomach so that it is not recommended to drink coffee before eating.

Disorders of urination

While being cold in the air-conditioned room (air conditioner), warm yourself with a cup of coffee is not a good idea. Cold alone is cause a desire to pee more often, plus the side effects of caffeine as a diuretic and possibly pee will add great.


The most common side effects of drinking too much coffee is unable to sleep. For teenagers or middle-aged, this effect may simply be fuelling a sense of weary but could have serious impact for the health of the elderly.